Everything you’ve been previously taught about the human mind could be WRONG…
“Startling Scientific Evidence Exposes a New Reality About the Human Consciousness That Will Release Us
& Change the World”
Shamefully, modern education systems and social conditioning have suppressed you of your birthright to the most powerful aspect of your consciousness.
IMPORTANT: Watch the
Following Video to Learn More
Your chance to redeem what was stolen from you is here and now
Dear True-consciousness Seeker,
Anew understanding of reality is emerging. For centuries, our scientific and cultural thinking has been dominated by the physicalist-materialist model – a model that has taught many of us to believe and accept that the mind is solely the result of physiological processes.
You have probably been taught to believe and accept that you exist as an isolated individual entity; that your consciousness lies entirely within the confines of your skull, the confines of space-time.
Your reality has been limited by what your can see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Worse, you have been accustomed to believe that communication is only possible through these defined physiological senses.
It’s time to wake up, because this outdated model has been proven WRONG.
Science Can No Longer Deny Our Awareness Exists Outside the
Self-Limiting Space-Time Continuum
You see, in the emerging interdependent-interconnected consciousness model, the old beliefs are being challenged — not by speculation but by actual experimental evidence. Thousands of scientific studies show that we cannot deny our awareness exists outside the self-limiting space-time.
This quantum shift in the way we understand our mind-consciousness has led to a question we simply cannot ignore…
What Does It Really Mean To Be Human?
It may be hard for some to accept that we have abilities we previously thought of being sci-fi or “super-human”. I know that it requires such a big shift, that it can almost be a reality vertigo for many.
But suppose I could list unquestionable evidence for you? Evidence that very clearly shows:
- Only certain aspects of the mind are the result of our physical self
- That there is a continuation of consciousness which exists outside of space time
- We are all interconnected—there is a linkage between the individual and the collective consciousness
- Physical reality is the manifestation of our consciousness
This new model is not just an intellectual curiosity. It proposes a much more empowered vision of what it means to be a human, one remarkably consistent with the great spiritual traditions of inner work.
It means, science is proving the truth behind the ancient paths independent of the dogma, and has shown that every single one of us, including you, has the ability to:
- regress into time and discover the purpose of your consciousness
- experience a mind-to-mind connection
- control your body down to the cellular level
- heal yourself and affect the well-being of another
- perceive what the future holds in times when difficult decisions need to be made
- open yourself to the part of yourself that exists outside of space-time
But before I share with you the research that objectively verifies this, let me introduce myself.
My name is Stephan A. Schwartz. I am a research associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, the former Director of Research of the Rhine Research Center and, for almost 20 years, the Research Director of The Mobius Society laboratory.
Beyond my research, perhaps the most suitable introduction of me is best spoken in the words of another. Here’s a profile excerpt of what Bonnie J. Horrigan wrote about me in the peer-reviewed journal Explore.
About Stephan Schwartz
Writer, researcher, adventurer, and philosopher Stephan A. Schwartz is a hard person to categorize.
He seems to live in parallel worlds, following interests whose connections are often hard for others to understand but which seem clear to him.
He is the author of Remote Viewing: The Modern Mental Martial Art; Forgotten Founder: George Mason, and his 18th Century World; Mind Rover: Explorations with Remote Viewing; The Alexandria Project; and The Secret Vaults of Time.
Also involved in television and film, he served as the executive producer, writer, or advisor for Reflections on Vatican II, Mobius, Mind Over Matter, Interspecies Communication, Psychic Detectives, Healing, The Alexandria Project, Project Deep Quest, and Conversations at the Smithsonian: Innovation, Technology and the Future, among others.
He has written for The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Washington Star, Smithsonian Magazine, American Heritage, Omni, Harpers, The Washingtonian, Venture Inward, and Intuition and has published more than 32 scientific papers in the areas of Remote Viewing, intuition, futurism, creativity, consciousness, therapeutic intent, history and philosophy of science, and geopolitical and strategic analysis.
Once a former editorial staffer of The National Geographic and the founding editor-in-chief of Subtle Energies, the journal of the International Society for Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Schwartz currently publishes the daily Schwartzreport, an analysis of trends that will affect the future.
~ From ‘The Realm of the Will’, published in Explore, May 2005, Vol. 1, No. 3
Imagine the Consequences if Every Human Knew the Power and Influence You Are About to Discover
Imagine this.
Imagine if every person who touched a patient held the awareness that his or her consciousness was going to affect the well-being of that patient.
Imagine if every person knew that they can positively influence someone just by the nature of their intention and beingness, not their power or position.
Imagine if every person made compassionate life-affirming choices on the knowing that all life is interconnected and interdependent.
This is possible, for every person, when they know how to access the part of themselves that lies outside the space-time continuum.
But lets face it. We can’t expect to change the world overnight. We can however begin with ourselves. And this alone is already the beginning of a profound change.
And the profound change all begins with the discovery of the part of yourself that exist outside of space-time. The part of us that taps into creative genius; that experiences spiritual ecstasy; that stumbles upon the “ah-ha” moment; that accesses extrasensory abilities; that survives death; that undergoes out of body experiences; that makes breakthrough discoveries and so much more.
You may think that my areas of expertise seem unconnected, but if you were to observe the underlying foundation of my diverse range of work, you will see the interconnection which stands out as my passion and mission:
My motivation is to help a person discover the power and influence he or she has to control his or her life — and affect the lives of others.
I care about this because research shows that when we are aware our consciousness is interconnected with others outside of space-time we no longer feel isolated and lonely. We gain a new sense of connection and interdependence. And from this new perspective, people begin to make compassionate, life-affirming choices that significantly improve their lives, and the lives of others.
You Don’t Have To Be Psychic Or Gifted To Apply This Invaluable Skill To Life
“Stephan Schwartz has created an amazing opportunity for everyone to learn the intuitive skill of remote viewing. You don’t have to be a psychic or “gifted’ to apply this invaluble skill to contemporary life.
Stephan is a master teacher, and you will learn an emormous amount from this historic DVD program which will be for this generation and generations to come. Don’t miss this opportunity. Highly recommended.”
~ Dr. Judith Orloff, Author of Second Sight Dr. Orloff’s Guide to Intuitive Healing
A Bold & Inspiring Vision
“A bold, inspiring vision of the non-local nature of human consciousness and its implications for our origins, destiny, and how we live our lives”
~ Larry Dossey, M.D., The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things
This is so good!
“Stephen, Thanks so much. I printed your material off to read. Instead, my wife read it first. She is singing praises about how good it is. We have been into metaphysics since the 70’s Blessings”
~ Gary Popken, Dallas
Forget about the Psychic, the Occult, the Supernatural
& the Paranormal…
For just one moment, forget about the rituals, the psychic, the occult and all the mindsets, belief structures and emotional baggage that go with those terms.
Why am I asking you to do this? Because I want you to focus on the actual opening experience. It is the opening experience that really matters, and that will change your life.
You see, science has finally determined how anyone can experience this aspect of consciousness without having to join some kind of group, or commit to some kind of dogma.
Allow me to explain.
The Opening Experience is a Life-Changing Experience that Every Human Being is Capable of Experiencing Just by Being Human
It can come to an artist, a physicist, a composer, a business person, or a spiritual pilgrim. Each experience is tuned specifically for that person by their intention.
Einstein said he “saw” relativity as he idled away time in a canoe after an illness. Mozart, Brahms, Coplan and Beethoven all speak of being in an altered state of consciousness when a creative breakthrough occurred. Spiritual ecstatics say they’ve seen God when they have an epiphany.
So, if a scientist wants to see a physical principle, that’s what he discovers. If a composer wants to create a composition, he will hear music. If a spiritual ecstatic wants to experience an ephiphany, that’s what he will experience.
All these experiences are the same in that all are about an experience of opening to that part of the self that exists outside space-time.
Can You Have This Experience Too?
Yes, you can. How do I know?
Because thousands of experiments have shown that it is an experience open to all if they learn how to get there. It takes two things to achieve this. An intention, and a protocol for manifesting the opening experience.
That’s exactly what I have designed for you. A way to open to this part of yourself, that does not demand you join a religion, sign up for an expensive class, or pledge allegiance to some leader.
Learn Things You Never Knew Before
“Stephan Schwartz has been a preeminent researcher in the field of remote viewing for nearly four decades. Whether you are neophyte-curious, or an experienced practitioner of Remote Viewing, you will learn things you never knew before”
~ Colonel John Alexander, Ph.D, Winning the War: Advanced Weapons, Strategies, and Concepts for the Post-9/11 World
One of the Most Creative People to Ever Turn Their Attention to the Further Reaches of the Human Mind
“Stephan Schwartz is one of the most creative people to ever turn their attention to the further reaches of the human mind – and a clear, entertaining writer to boot.
Opening to the Infinite Book is must reading for both layperson and scientist, and will inform and stimulate (a) those who want to know the kinds of things a human mind can sometimes do, and (b) those who want to useful instruction on how to do it themselves! You can’t ask for more.”
~ Charles Tart, Ph.D, Waking Up & States of Consciousness
And if that doesn’t convince you, this will,
- Dr. Ian Stevenson, former head of the Department of Psychiatry and current Director of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, has over 40 years of scientific documentation and over 3,000 cases that awareness and consciousness is continuing across lifetimes.
This work has been recognized as the finest research of its type in the world, and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and academic text books. - Dr. Masaru Emoto, graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University and the Open International University, has proven that the power of concentrated thought directed at water can change the molecular crystal structures of water.
My own research on water, similarly showed that under the most rigorously controlled conditions healers could predictably change the molecular structure of water. - “Deep Quest”, the submarine experiment that I ran as a continuation of the “Faraday cage” research begun by Soviet Academician Leonid Vasiliev, proved that this aspect of your consciousness is outside space-time, and is not electromagnetic like radiowaves.
While deeply submerged in the ocean—where radiowaves don’t reach—individuals could still describe in startling detail where people on the surface were hiding, and what they were doing!s - A study by cardiologist R.C. Byrd published in the Southern Medical Journal electrified the medical community with powerful evidence that cardiology patients in critical condition who underwent therapeutic intent (healing by thought) actually healed faster, had less need for medication and experienced less aggravation than those without therapeutic intent.
- Two researchers in North Carolina found that anesthetized mice under therapeutic intent awakened faster than controls. They discovered that after a while, they didn’t even need the healers anymore. They could just leave the mice in the cradle that had received therapeutic intent, and the mice would wake up faster.
- In fact, there are now over 2,000 studies which show that individuals can affect other living organisms from single cell organisms in petri dishes up to high level mammals like humans and everything in between.
- And much, much more…
What is particularly intriguing is how much this research confirms the core truths of humanity’s diverse and great spiritual traditions. I think one of the most exciting developments in this area of science is the fact that science and spirit have reached the same conclusions, and science has provided object evidence for extraordinary abilities that were once thought to be only mystical.
Sadly, though, our modern education system and social conditioning have caused many of us to close the door upon the part of ourselves that exist outside of space-time, leaving many of us in an imbalanced state…
Is Your Life Out of Balance? Do You Feel that Many Elements of Your Life are Beyond Your Control?
Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, whatever your belief system is… opening to this profound and life-changing experience is your birthright.
Cutting-edge research has proven that anyone can learn to open to this part of him or herself. The benefits you will enjoy from this experience will realign the sense of balance in your life, and heal the root cause of disharmony.
You see, the root cause of all problems—be it issues with money, weight, relationships, sex, health, fulfillment and everything else—is because there is an imbalance in your life.
Perhaps you have felt it. That feeling like something is missing and it throws you off balance. Well, you know what?
There is something missing. You are cut off from the part of yourself that has been called spiritual, creative, insightful and intuitive. And the kind of world that we live in today does little to relieve this imbalance…
We are Facing a Crisis in These Modern Times!
Consider these two things:
- (1) Human beings have been experiencing this beyond space-time part of consciousness since 35,0000 years ago!
Cave art clearly reveals this. But the idea of science dates back less than 500 years to 1543 and Copernicus, and the word scientist did not exist until well into the 19th century. So it’s no surprise that the only way to think about the transcending experience developed in religious terms.
- (2) Until almost the 20th century, nobody moved faster than an animal could carry them or the wind could blow them, and most people never went any further than 5 miles out of their hometown.
The world most people lived in was limited in stimulus and void of novelty. So most of the ways cultures developed for opening to consciousness beyond space-time was rooted in that stable low stimulus culture.
But today, we live in a world that is utterly different.
Right now, you live in a 60-cycle electromagnetic field at all times. It’s in the wires that run through the walls of the building. You are submitted to a constant bombardment of stimulus. Even just walking down the street, your senses will be overwhelmed with neon tubes, music, a sea of people, motorcycles going by, cars honking, air pollution…
Not to mention the super-speed highways, trains and planes that carry billions of us across the planet. The pressure, stress and anxiety… life is now operating at a completely different rhythm. And the spiritual paths that developed over the past millennia are no longer in sync for many of us with the rhythm we now live at.
So is it any wonder you feel spiritually imbalanced?
And yet, many of us don’t even realize that this is the root cause of our problems.
Instead, we try to medicate our way out of problems. Got a migraine? Pop an aspirin. Having problems with marriage? Prescribe a counselor. Struggling with finances? Get another loan. At the end of the day, these are just band-aid solutions that do not tackle the root cause.
But our current rhythm of life is too hectic to rely on the spiritual paths that were developed a millennia ago.
Many of us try spiritual paths developed a millennia ago, which work for some, but which many others find inconsistent with the hectic rhythm and demands of modern life.
That’s why I wanted to develop a path that was specifically designed for people living in modern times, just like you.
There is nothing you need to subscribe to. You don’t need to pledge yourself to any belief or dogma. What I have done is strip away all cultural influences and get to the root of ancient traditions, the part validated by scientific discoveries, to give you the fastest, most efficient and most effective path to the opening experience.
Brings a Lifetime of the Experience
“Stephan Schwartz makes an excellent job of describing the extraordinary phenomenon of anomalous perception, its history, phenomenology and practice.
I particularly like his sensitive description of the psychological nexus in which it occurs. He surveys recent research and describes the applications, particularly in his speciality, archaeology. Above all he brings a lifetime of the experience of the gestalt of a miraculous phenomenon”
~ James Spottiswoode, Discoverer of the Local Sidereal Time Effect
Enter Your Own Bubble of Sacred Space
The result of my decades of research are 4 profound experiences that will become your tools for life to navigate through these hectic, fast-paced modern times.
These 4 experiential recordings have been recorded with the backing sound of the “Drone”, a pscycho-acoustical sound developed by Dr. Harold Grandstaff Moses.
The “Drone” is a recurring chord that has been proven in experiments and workshops to create your own bubble of sacred space that propels you deeper into the experience with effortless ease.
So please, allow me to unveil your spiritual modern-day solution…
Crisis Conduct
4 Profound Experiences to Realign the Spiritual Imbalance
of the Modern Soul In Challenging Times

These four experiences work with the parts of your consciousness that are traditionally called transcendental or spiritual—the part of you that exists outside space-time. They are not designed to be used all at once, nor to be used casually. They are designed to be used as and when you need them in your life to solve the different challenges that arise and cause you stress and anxiety, or when you feel you have lost direction.
Crisis Conduct is the complete lifetime toolkit to guide you through the process of opening, allowing you to tackle root causes and effortlessly navigate through hectic, fast-paced challenging times.
Experiential Recording 1: Before the Beginning
Using clinically validated techniques developed in the laboratory, Before the Beginning takes you back to the event when you decided to be you. At the deepest level you incarnated for a purpose.
This voyage through time lets you go back and, with full consciousness, learn your soul’s purpose. The insights you gain from Before the Beginning will help you make wise life choices that permit you to realize your inner goals. Take the voyage and:
- understand the purpose for which you have chosen to come into this life
- discover a sense of why you have chosen to be the person you are
- get inside what your life-path really is (for many people, this is a terrifically powerful experience and an amazing eye opener)
- experience a profound life-changing event
Experiential Recording 2: Meditation for Modern Minds
Amongst many other benefits, meditation teaches you focus. And the success of opening to the transcendental part of yourself is strongly affected by your ability to focus. Regular practice of meditation has also been scientifically proven to change your brain chemistry, lower blood pressure, make you sleep better, feel less stressed and much more.
The difficulty for most people living in today’s modern world is that traditional meditation methods were developed in an age very different to today’s fast-paced rhythm.
Meditation for Modern Minds was specifically designed with scientifically proven meditation techniques to help a person effectively and efficiently deal with issues of the modern life. The many benefits you will experience include:
- Thrive in a world plagued by information overload
- significantly reduce daily stress levels
- experience an increased clarity of mind, even in hectic, high-pressure situations
- an ability to make better decisions, faster
- boost your health and your happiness
- achieve greater levels of intelligence and creativity
- soar at work and life with successful goal-setting and newfound focus
- improve and deepen relationships with enhanced intuition
- achieve youthful vigor and vitality
- and much, much more…
Experiential Recording 3: Harmonic Healing
From the earliest times we seem to have known intuitively that the directed mind and human spirit have the power to bring healing to oneself and others. All religions and spiritual paths honor the power of therapeutic intent.
Now laboratory and clinical research in dozens of studies has confirmed this belief scientifically. The work has demonstrated that everyone has the power to heal.
Harmonic Healing combines a respect for the ancient traditions as well as the insights of science to take you on an inner-voyage that will show you how to link to the greater whole and activate your power to heal.
You can use Harmonic Healing once a week, or more often if needed, to heal yourself, and to send healing to others. Learn how to:
- control your bodily functions down to the cellular level by thought alone
- activate your own immune response and body’s defense mechanisms to bring about healing
- reduce your reliance on drugs and over-medication
- extend your well-being and lifespan
- increase your energy and vigor
- influence the healing rate and well-being of another human being
- help those you love with the gift of healing and improve well-being
Experiential Recording 4: Looking into Your Future
At times of great stress, when your relationship is changing, or your job is disappearing, or you are faced with a fateful choice, it can be extraordinarily helpful to get even a glimpse of what lies in your future.
Research carried out at laboratories at universities and institutions around the world tells as that it is possible to obtain verifiable information from the future with a structured protocol.
Looking into Your Future has been especially designed to do just that and allow you to:
- allow you to develop any question you need guidance or resolve
- choose your own timeline
- take you through a process of relaxation followed by a carefully structured sequence so you can experience your chosen date, and ultimately…
- gain a sense of “knowingness” beyond the direct senses
& Valuable
“I woke up at 4am this morning and decided to do Stephan’s Looking Into Your Future experience. Not only did I get a clear and valuable picture of my life in one year, several elusive plot points I had been struggling with for my Ragananda’s Mystery Adventure popped right into focus!
I’m sure I’ll be using it as a early morning ritual for some time to come. Thank you, Stephan, for your insightful and carefully grounded work and thank you for sharing it so beautifully. The mix levels are perfect. Blessings to you!”
~ Gabrielle Silva, Creator and Producer of Ragananda’s Mystery Adventure
I Saw My Future Home
“While preparing for my interview, I loaded up his CD Looking Into Your Future. It was late at night. I was half listening while taking some notes, then I decided to ‘jump in’ to the CD instructions for a moment, really just playing around in the moment. I heard Stephan’s words ‘Look down at your feet. Now look up. See the door of your future home, where you will live.’
I clearly saw two tall double glass doors on a one-storey home. I ‘jumped out’ and continued working, not paying much attention because at the time we were in contract on a new home that was three stories and a single wood door.
48 hours later the contract on the house with the wood doors unexpectedly fell through, and we had to begin looking again.
The home we actually bought and are now going to live in? One-storey, tall double glass doors!, just as I ‘saw’ it using Stephan’s Looking Into the Future.”
~ Karen Tallkat Conley
A Lifetime Toolkit to Wisely Navigate Through Challenging Times
How much do you value a transcendental and opening experience that will significantly boost your life’s fulfillment and happiness?
How much would it mean to have lifetime access to tools that will optimize your health, boost your performance and creativity, reduce your stress, and help you make difficult decisions amongst many other benefits?
How much would you be willing to pay for this freedom?
Or, on the other hand, you could do as you are doing now and continue investing in band-aid solutions. Medications, drugs, sleeping pills, psychiatry or counselors, once-a-year vacations to “run away from it all”, financial loans, mortgages, insurance… and the list goes on and on.
How much money have you already invested in band-aid solutions that only help relieve the pain temporarily? I’m sure these have EASILY cost you THOUSANDS, if not TENS OF THOUSANDS.
Have they really solved the root problems, or are you just medicating the continuing symptoms?
Would you not rather put down a one-time investment, for a fraction of the cost, and tackle the root cause?
Well, that’s what I’m giving you. The opportunity for lifetime access to tools that will help keep you in spiritual balance and tackle the root cause of hard times.
Yes, you can use any of the experiential Recordings as and when you need them, for the rest of your life, to optimize your health, boost your performance and creativity, reduce your stress, and help you make difficult decisions and much more.
And above all else, you’ll discover fulfillment and happiness that comes from finally living your life with a clarity of purpose.
How to Use Crisis Conduct
Each Recording comes with Both Preparation Tracks and Experiential Awakening Tracks
Crisis Conduct is not designed to be used all at once. Each experiential Recording is like a tool with its own purpose that you can choose to use to tackle specific challenges or when you feel you have lost direction.
Use them as often as you want, whenever you want.
The experiences in Crisis Conduct can be your morning ritual, or before going to bed, or any other time that suits you best.
Each Recording gives you exact instructions of how to prepare yourself to move into another state of consciousness.
These experiences, which take less than 20 minutes, are to be done in quiet spaces where you won’t get interrupted.
Crisis Conduct is not intended to be listened to on radio or on the go. Listen to the recordings and awaken to each experience when you are alone, in a comfortable position such as lying in bed.
Each Recording comes with Both Preparation Tracks and Experiential Awakening Tracks.
Crisis Conduct is not designed to be used all at once. Each experiential Recording is like a tool with its own purpose that you can choose to use to tackle specific challenges or when you feel you have lost direction.
Use them as often as you want, whenever you want.
The experiences in Crisis Conduct can be your morning ritual, or before going to bed, or any other time that suits you best.
Each Recording gives you exact instructions of how to prepare yourself to move into another state of consciousness.
These experiences, which take less than 20 minutes, are to be done in quiet spaces where you won’t get interrupted.
Crisis Conduct is not intended to be listened to on radio or on the go. Listen to the recordings and awaken to each experience when you are alone, in a comfortable position such as lying in bed.
But Wait, You’ll Get Even More When You Say “Yes” NOW
Bonus #1
The Complete Meditation for Western Minds Bibliography 2006 – 2009 by Stephan A. Schwartz
From these hundreds of research papers I constructed the Meditation for Modern Minds experience, and developed aspects of the other three experiences.
For those who are interested to follow up on the research, I have provided this complete and in-depth bibliography in a downloadable PDF document.
Bonus #1
The Complete Meditation for Western Minds Bibliography 2006 – 2009 by Stephan A. Schwartz
From these hundreds of research papers I constructed the Meditation for Modern Minds experience, and developed aspects of the other three experiences.
For those who are interested to follow up on the research, I have provided this complete and in-depth bibliography in a downloadable PDF document.
Bonus #2
The Complete Therapeutic Intent/Healing Bibliography by Larry Dossey, M.D., and Stephan A. Schwartz
The Harmonic Healing CD in the Crisis Conduct program is the result of my own experimental research, and my study of literally hundreds of research reports and experiments published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.
For those who are interested to follow up on the research, I have provided a complete and in-depth bibliography and discussion by Larry Dossey, MD, one of the world’s premiere medical experts on healing, that will give you the basis upon which your Harmonic Healing CD is based. Downloadable PDF document.
Bonus #2
The Complete Therapeutic Intent/Healing Bibliography by Larry Dossey, M.D., and Stephan A. Schwartz
The Harmonic Healing CD in the Crisis Conduct program is the result of my own experimental research, and my study of literally hundreds of research reports and experiments published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.
For those who are interested to follow up on the research, I have provided a complete and in-depth bibliography and discussion by Larry Dossey, MD, one of the world’s premiere medical experts on healing, that will give you the basis upon which your Harmonic Healing CD is based. Downloadable PDF document.
Bonus #3
Demystifying Remote Viewing: The Most Comprehensive Bibliography of Remote Viewing And Healing Research From The World’s Most Elite and Reputable Scientists
Bibliography of Remote Viewing Research Papers in Downloadable PDF document.
The Remote Viewing techniques you will learn and experience in the CDs that are part of The Gold Standard Course have evolved from 35 years of rigorous experimental research, much of which I was involved in.
Bonus #3
Demystifying Remote Viewing: The Most Comprehensive Bibliography of Remote Viewing And Healing Research From The World’s Most Elite and Reputable Scientists
Bibliography of Remote Viewing Research Papers in Downloadable PDF document.
The Remote Viewing techniques you will learn and experience in the CDs that are part of The Gold Standard Course have evolved from 35 years of rigorous experimental research, much of which I was involved in.
We Are at the Cusp of a New Level
of Human Consciousness
& a Global Shift
If you think about how the world changes, you’ll realize it changes when individuals start making different decisions.
When these choices increase the awareness to our interconnected consciousness, the world will experience a positive, life-affirming change.
That’s why I believe there will come a time when every person knows that his or her consciousness will affect the well-being of another, and positively influence someone just by the positive nature of their intention and beingness, and the world will experience a massive shift.
You may find this difficult to believe that this shift will happen, especially as you are surrounded by the economy crisis, depression, war, poverty, and famine that plagues the world we live in.
But change is possible.
You see, in the beginning of my lifetime, black people couldn’t drink out of the same water fountain as white people; women were considered weak and incapable, and doctors were saying smoking was good for you. Things do change. That’s an important thing to remember. Things are better today than they were 10, 20, 50 years ago.
And I know that this positive change will come because when the techniques of Crisis Conduct have been tried in the past they have changed whole societies.
It starts with the compassionate life-affirming choices an awakened individual makes that positively impacts those around them.
It starts with the decision to open to the experience of an awareness that lies outside of space-time.
It starts with you.
To Your Opening Experience,

Stephan Schwartz
Order Today & Get
4 Audio Recordings Total (Experiences)
Plus The Following Downloadable PDF Bonuses
- Bonus 1: Demystifying Remote Viewing: The Most Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Remote Viewing And Healing Research From The World’s Most Elite and Reputable Scientists
- Bonus 2: Therapeutic Intent / Healing Bibliography
- Bonus 3: Meditation for Western Minds Bibliography 2006 – 2009
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